12 Mar 2025

ALCAM training delivered for Sugar Research Institute

Eight North Queensland sugar industry rail workers have gained the skills needed to accurately record site data and identify level crossing risks after completing a level crossing course in late February.

Level crossings are one of the biggest risk to safely running rail operations and track owners, train operators, road owners and road users all have a responsibility to make sure level crossings are as safe as possible.

In February, RISSB collaborated with the Sugar Research Institute to deliver for the first time the Australian Level Crossing Assessment Model (ALCAM) training to representatives from Tully Sugar, Isis Central Sugar Mill and MSF Sugar in North Queensland.


ALCAM is a best practice risk assessment tool available to industry to identify key potential risks at level crossings and to assist in the prioritisation of crossings for upgrades.

ALCAM Survey & Rating Training aims to standardise ALCAM data capture, entry, and risk interpretation across Australia and New Zealand and equip participants with the skills needed to maintain high safety standards and consistency in level crossing assessments.

Feedback from the participants notes that this the training has been a really beneficial exercise that has helped them gain a much better understanding of the ALCAM survey process.

The ALCAM course is run over five days and blends classroom learning with field-based training to provide a comprehensive learning experience.

If you’re interested in ALCAM Training, register your interest by emailing training@alcam.com.au