29 Nov 2023
Call for Development Group Members – Review of Standard AS 7520.3: Rolling Stock Body Structural Requirements – Part 3 – Passenger Rolling Stock

The Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) is seeking nominations from people to join a Development Group to review and update Australian Standard® – AS 7520.3: Rolling Stock Body Structural Requirements – Part 3 – Passenger Rolling Stock.
This review is part of RISSB’s obligations as a registered standards development organisation to ensure our products maintain their relevancy for the Australian rail industry.
AS 7520.3 describes requirements for the structural strength of railway passenger vehicle bodies. The main purpose of the requirements is to prescribe the minimum structural integrity level of the vehicle body to ensure safe performance under normal operating conditions and minimise risks to train crew and members of the general public in the event of collisions or derailments.
How to contribute
Stakeholders and interested parties are invited to submit nominations for subject matter experts to join this Development Group to contribute to the overall depth and quality of the product.
Development Group membership is voluntary and requires the support of your organisation to attend and contribute. There will be a minimum of 6 meetings expected to be held between February 2024 and October 2024. These will be conducted via video conference.
Further information on the responsibilities of a Development Group member can be obtained from the RISSB website here.
All nominations and enquiries are to be submitted to bwooldridge@rissb.com.au
As part of your nomination, can you please provide a brief detailing your contact details, your interest in this development (materially affected party, subject matter expert, etc.), and any other information which might support your participation.
Your information will assist us in ensuring a balanced representation from all major interest categories in the development of this product.
The closing date for nominations is Friday, 22nd December 2023.