28 Feb 2019

Priority Planning Forum (PPF) New Product Development Proposals Available Next Week

On Monday, the PPF proposals submitted will be made available on the RISSB website. Each proposal contains information outlining the product’s safety, interoperability, financial and environmental benefits as well as its overall development rationale. These will be available until the 17th of March.

On the 18th of March, RISSB will provide all industry stakeholders an opportunity to rank each of these proposals.
Please read each document carefully before ranking each proposed product in a few weeks’ time.

The PPF process is an important consultation tool for RISSB as it gives everyone a voice and an authentic opportunity to influence RISSB’s work program in 2019/20.

If you have any questions about the PPF process, please send an email to info@rissb.com.au or feel free to contact me on (07) 3724 0000.

Yours sincerely,
Paul Daly