02 Jul 2024
RISSB Connect Edition 69, July 2024
No images? Click here Edition 69 July 2024 INSIDE THIS EDITION+ CEO message CEO MESSAGEI thought I’d share this week some work that the RISSB Team have been doing together, to further develop our internal capabilities which will better deliver for our members (and ourselves). We’ve undertaken a lot of external stakeholder engagement in the development of our new strategy, and we’re now well and truly in the execution phase. I have a lot of favourite sayings, one of them is “Execution is where good strategy goes die!”. What that means is that the business world is littered with strategies that fail to be implemented effectively. We are committed to our Strategy by:
And so last week our team came together to “bring to life” our Values that support our Vison, Mission and Strategy. Our Values are: CARE - We passionately care about people, connection, safety, the environment we work and live within and the work we do. We'll be present, active and responsible by considering and respectfully responding to challenge, acknowledging efforts and contributions, and checking in and providing support. COLLABORATION - We foster cooperation and respectful relationships by listening and deeply understanding perspectives. We engage with diverse viewpoints and encourage curiosity. MAKING A DIFFERENCE - We continuously add value for RISSB stakeholders. We intimately understand stakeholder needs, and actively seek out new or novel ideas and solutions. In a small organisation such as RISSB, we have the luxury of being able to design the way we do our work and how we want to work together, for the benefit of our members and other key stakeholders. So rather than pin up some glossy posters describing our Values, we’ve taken the opportunity to bring our values to life and to own the behaviours, not just for how we want to work together, but also for how we want to deliver for industry. Damien White TRAINING AND EVENTSStreamlining the Rolling Stock approval processesJoin us for another RISSB MasterClass Webinar, where we will hear about the new RISSB and RMAus White Paper: Streamlining the Rolling Stock approval processes. We will be joined by the author of the Paper, Klaus Clemens, Director of RMAus, and RISSB's General Manager of Products and Innovation, Sudha Niles. The webinar will discuss the distinction between vehicle certification and registration together with industry concerns raised by stakeholders in preparing the Policy White paper. As well as the need for more efficient vehicle approval processes in the rail industry to reduce administrative burdens and the means to achieving this. Interested? The webinar will be held on Tuesday 16 July at 12:00pm (AEST). Register using the button below. We look forward to seeing you there! ![]() PRODUCTSJoin a Development Group to review of AS 7520.1 - Rolling Stock Body Structural RequirementsWe are seeking nominations from industry representatives and subject matter experts to review RISSB Australian Standard 7520.1 - Rolling Stock Body Structural Requirements - Part 1 - Locomotive. Your contribution to the review of this Standard will help advise the rail industry on the latest changes associated with technological improvements, international standards, safety and/or engineering improvements. AS 7520.1 describes requirements for the structural strength of railway locomotive vehicle bodies. The main purpose of the requirements is to ensure safe performance and minimise risks to train crew and members of the general public in the event of collisions or derailments. The closing date for nominations is Wednesday 31 July. Please click here for more information, or email info@rissb.com.au for more information or to talk to someone about the Standard. GENERAL NEWSNSW new Freight Policy SubmissionIn a comprehensive submission to the NSW Government’s Freight Policy Reform Program, the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) said increasing rail’s mode share was critical to meeting future demand. The rail industry has told us that NSW should immediately prioritise supporting the national aim of achieving rail system interoperability of operating rules, infrastructure and operational standards and systems to improve the efficiency and safety of the network. Among the 44 recommendations by the ARA is the need to establish the mothballed Bureau of Freight Statistics to enable regular, public reporting by NSW agencies of freight performance and progress on delivering the renewed freight strategy. ARA's CEO Caroline Wilkie says it was vital that NSW developed a coordinated, strategic approach with specific targets to increase the use of rail freight. Find our more about submission here. Chief Medical Officers Council workshopThe Chief Medical Officers Council (CMOC) is a formal group of CMOs under the RISSB Network of Subject Matter Experts from across the Australian and New Zealand Rail industry. The council's aim is to help maintain health assessment standards across the rail sector and ensuring industry meets the mandatory National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers. They do this by ensuring contemporary medical standards are in effect, and that appropriate processes are in place in order to maximise the wellbeing of rail safety workers across the industry. Recently the CMOC held a workshop along with RISSB, the MTA and the NTC to discuss and review the implementation of the revised health assessment standard for rail safety workers, and the introduction of the new Authorised Health Professional system. The workshop provided clear next steps for the rollout of both the revised standard and new AHP program. So watch this space over the coming weeks! To find out more about the CMOC and their role in industry, click here. ![]() ![]() MEMBER SPOTLIGHT ON