This Code of Practice (CoP) aims to provide a consistent approach to managing shunting operations within rail terminals, yards and maintenance facilities.
This CoP complements the network rules and procedures implemented for shunting and marshalling by Rail Infrastructure Managers and, where applicable, should be read in conjunction with those rules.
Code of Practice - Shunting Operations in Terminals, Yards and Maintenance Facilities
- Title: Code of Practice - Shunting Operations in Terminals, Yards and Maintenance Facilities
- Status: Current
- Published: Aug 25, 2023
- Category: Operations
- Product Type: Code of Practice
Frequently asked questions
What is the objective of this product?
This Code of Practice (CoP) aims to provide a consistent approach to managing shunting operations within rail terminals, yards and maintenance facilities.
This CoP complements the network rules and procedures implemented for shunting and marshalling by Rail Infrastructure Managers and, where applicable, should be read in conjunction with those rules.
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