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- Chief Medical Officers Council
- SPAD/LRTAE Working Group
- National Track Worker Safety Forum
- Safety Managers Group
- Mistakes are often made due to complacency. How can I ensure my workers are following due process. Any ideas?
- How do you ensure that workers deployed in remote or regional areas are following safeworking rules and processes?
- Safety Critical Communications for Protection Officers
- Rail Safety Workers Obligations
- Introduction to Rail Safety
- Apply Safety Critical Communications in the Rail Environment
- Investigate Rail Safety Incidents
- Undertake a Derailment Investigation
- Insights from OTSI’s no-blame investigations to enhance transport safety
- Resource scarcity, decarbonisation and the electrification of rail freight in Australia
- The Track to Decarbonised Rolling Stock
- Global Benchmarked Driving Advice System Insights
- Mental Health Co-deployment Trial
- A Systems Engineering approach to Standards
- A Systems Engineering Approach to Standards
- Improving the safety of train compartments in Korea
- New AHP Program supporting the implementation of rail safety worker health assessments
- Increasing our focus on product adoption and implementation - RISSB's 2025 Work Plan
- Streamlining the Rolling Stock approval processes
- Sharing safety ideas to ‘Make a Change'
- The Role of Independent Safety Assessment ISA in Co Regulation
- Managing Occupational Violence and Anti-Social Behaviour in Rail
- Effective Continuous Monitoring of Track and Rolling Stock Performance: Freight Reliability and Passenger Comfort
- Victorian Rail Requirements – Stakeholders, Standards and Waivers – There’s logic to the madness
- Improving data management with Australian Standard 7739.2
- Australian Rail Innovation: Testing autonomous wagons on the Arc network
- Working with railway companies to deploy new technology
- An Australian in New York - AI trail in New York
- The Future of Rail
- Preparing Australian Railways to Progress as Smart, Sustainable, Digitally Enabled Railways of the Future
- A new approach to Track Protection
- Interoperability in Europe
- Health and Safety for rail in Great Britain: Freight on the Running Line
- Rail Safety Week 2023 - ALCAM outputs and future developments of the LXM system
- Rail Safety Week 2023 - ATSB's focus on rail investigations
- Come and hear from, and ask questions of, the RISSB team
- Striving for perfection in a precarious environment
- Dr Garry Marling, CEO Culture Radar & Ringo App
- An Update From the Victorian Rail Advoccate
- Rail Innovation In Canada: A Pathway To Zero Emissions Rail Mobility?
- Rail Safety in Australia – A National Perspective
Conference Resources
- Rail Safety Conference 2022 Agenda
- The changing face of safety in transport its link to patronage, and our future
- Regulation and changing environments
- Modernising Network Control Officer Training
- Fatigue Risk Management ...Sorted
- Managing psychosocial hazards and risks to psychological health in the rail industry
- A Study on the Causes of Train Accidents & Analysis of Train Derailment
- Evolving crisis management in an organisation despite a global pandemic
- The perceived impacts of stressful events on train driver performance
- Assessing Safety Culture Maturity within multi-stakeholder rail infrastructure projects
- Exploring issues around infrastructure resilience in the face of climate change
- Port Hedland runaway train and derailment: A case studyt
- Safety Climate - What do we really mean?
- Not 'mind the gap' but 'close the gap' - Results from international and Australian case studies for safer and all access level crossings
- Decarbonisation Action Plans
- Rail Safety Conference 2021 Agenda
- Rail Safety Conference 2020 Agenda
- RISSB 2019 Rail Safety Conference Agenda
- IRSC 2019 Agenda
- Optimization of Wheel/Rail Interaction to enable 4.0 Predictive Maintenance
- What do you really know about the assets you own and manage?
- Safety Culture - a systemic approach
- Safety Abstract
- System Safety & Assurance, SFAIRP and Standards
- Department of Transport Abstract Submission
- Metro Trains Melbourne March Abstract Submission
- Acmena Group Abstract Submission
- KiwiRail Abstract Submission
- An IMS for rail engineers
- An Immersive Virtual Environment within Rail
- Sydney Trains Abstract Submission
- Transport for NSW Abstract Submission
- Metro Trains Melbourne Abstract Submission
- Deutsche Bahn Abstract Submission
- Agent for Rail Movement Planner Abstract Submission
- 4Tel Abstract Submission
- JVAT Abstract Submission
- Torrens Connect Abstract Submission
- National...Now Where?
- Delivering safer work interactions between protection officers & network controllers
- An Archaic Hierarachy
- SPAD Prevention at Queensland Rail
- Contractor Management
- How do we feel about reasonable practicability?
- Track and trackside safety
- ONRSR's Priorities and Observations
- Safety Innovations from the Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation
- TrackSAFE Foundation Preventing suicide
- PO Reform Program
- A system thinking approach to learning from accidents
- Safety Benefits of Supply Chain Digitalization
- Achieving interoperability of train control
- Are risk matrices valid in a SFAIRP environment?
- Application of SFAIRP and ensuring a sustainable rail future
- Mind the Gap
- Collision with floodwater at Little Banyan Creek
- How Safe is Safe Enough?
- How many safety Assurance Engineers does it take to change a Railway Light Bulb
- A Rail Safety Managers Persepctive
- National Rail Safety Data Strategy
- Launching the Occupational Culture Work Health and Safety Survey
- Protection Officer Uplift Program
- Risk Management of Operators Interpretation
- Pathway to Zero
- A vision solutions for heavy industries
- Experts in Contractor Safety Management
- Whose risk is it anyway?
- The benefits of national harmonisation
- Caught between a rail and a hard place
- Enforceable Voluntary Undertakings
- Sydney Metro
- Safety Leadership
- SPAD Prevention Program
- Metro Trains Melbourne
- Track Worker Safety
- How Do We Establish the Measures of Human Error through Technological Innovation such as Big Data, AI, and IOT by Open Innovation? - Paper
- How Do We Establish the Measures of Human Error through Technological Innovation such as Big Data, AI, and IOT by Open Innovation? - Presentation
- The Smarter Way of Using Fire Protection in Rolling Stock Applications Paper
- The Smarter Way of Using Fire Protection in Rolling Stock Applications Presentation
- Next-Generation Rail Safety Systems using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Digital Train Control: Functional Safety for AI Based Systems Paper
- Digital Train Control: Functional Safety for AI Based Systems Presentation
- Transforming Rail Network Safety Through Equipment Safety & Compliance Management on a Modern SaaS Platform Paper
- Transforming Rail Network Safety Through Equipment Safety & Compliance Management on a Modern SaaS Platform Presentation
- How to Nurture and Deploy Competencies in the Railway Industry: A Plan for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Presentation
- How to Nurture and Deploy Competencies in the Railway Industry: A Plan for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Paper
- Autonomous Trains in an Open Environment: Collaboration Between Developer and Railway Safety Authority for a Successful Project
- System Integration Requirements in Major Rail Projects in Australia Presentation
- System Integration Requirements in Major Rail Projects in Australia Paper
- On the Way to Virtual Certification: A NSA’s Point of View Paper
- On the Way to Virtual Certification: A NSA’s Point of View Presentation
- How Realistic is the Picture Provided by Your Assurance Regime?
- Regulation and Innovation in Australia
- Re-thinking Competency-based Training: Building Skills to Support Resilient Performance
- Digital Transformation of the Rail Sector Paper: What Impact on the Regulator?
- Digital Transformation of the Rail Sector Presentation: What Impact on the Regulator?
- Risk Management of Operators Interpretation of Information from New Technology Presentation
- Risk Management of Operators Interpretation of Information from New Technology Paper
- Compliance vs. Due Diligence: SFAIRP and its Interaction with System Safety and Assurance Approaches Paper
- Compliance vs. Due Diligence: SFAIRP and its Interaction with System Safety and Assurance Approaches Presentation
- Safety Guarantee System of Chinese HSR Presentation
- Risk Analysis Methodology and Prioritisation of Safety Investments Presentation
- Risk Analysis Methodology and Prioritisation of Safety Investments Paper
- The Smarter Way of Using Fire Protection in Rolling Stock Applications Video
- Digital Train Control: Functional Safety for AI Based Systems Video
- Transforming Rail Network Safety Through Equipment Safety & Compliance Management on a Modern SaaS Platform Video
- How to Nurture and Deploy Competencies in the Railway Industry: A Plan for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Video
- The Sixth Sensor: How IoT Smart Sensors Can Address Operational Challenges Introduced by Increasing Automation in Railways
- Autonomous Trains in an Open Environment: Collaboration Between Developer and Railway Safety Authority for a Successful Project Video
- The ORR Risk Management Maturity Model: Assessing the Relationship Between Organisational Culture, Management and Performance Video
- On the Way to Virtual Certification: A NSA’s Point of View Video
- How Realistic is the Picture Provided by Your Assurance Regime? Video
- Regulation and Innovation in Australia Video
- Innovative Technology Provides Advanced Protection to Railroad Workers Video
- Risk Management of Operators Interpretation of Information from New Technology Video
- Safety Guarantee System of Chinese HSR Video
- Risk Analysis Methodology and Prioritisation of Safety Investments Video
- The Lack of Synergy between Operational and Financial Managers in the Railways Presentation
- SNCF Rail Safety and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Video
- SNCF Rail Safety and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Presentation
- SNCF Rail Safety and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Paper
- The Lack of Synergy between Operational and Financial Managers in the Railways Video
- The ORR Risk Management Maturity Model: Assessing the Relationship Between Organisational Culture, Management and Performance
- BIM-AM-RS to Enhance Railway Safety in Hong Kong
- Innovative Technology Provides Advanced Protection to Railroad Workers
- The Lack of Synergy between Operational and Financial Managers in the Railways Paper
- Digitalisation Reducing Risk in Irish Rail Presentation
- Digitalisation Reducing Risk in Irish Rail Paper
- Compliance vs. Due Diligence: SFAIRP and its Interaction with System Safety and Assurance Approaches Video
- Digitalisation Reducing Risk in Irish Rail Video
- Russell McMullen City Rail Link Project
- Railway human risk countermeasures
- Crossrail Target Zero
- Safety on Track
- Digital System Program
- Cybersecurity and Rail Safety
- Safety Tomorrow
- Functional Safety Assessment of Train Management
- How the National Standard for the Health Assessment
- Enhancing safety and managing human factors
Helpful Resource
- RISSB National Framework for Interoperability - Overview Pack & Explanatory Paper
- RISSB Interoperability Impact Plan
- RISSB Interoperability Assessment
- Estimating The Economic Cost Of Type Approval Processes In The Australian Rail Industry
- RISSB National Carbon Footprint Study
- Hackathon - Innovative solutions for level crossings
- FastTrack Newsletter - July 2022, Alpine Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - July 2022, The Prospector Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - July 2022 Orient Express Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - July 2022, Shangri-La Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - July 2022 Savannahlander Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - July 2022, Eurostar Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - July 2022 The Flying Scotsman Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - July 2022 Maharajah's Express Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - June 2022 The Blue Train Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - June 2022 Gulflander Group
- FastTrack Newsletter - June 2022 The Overland Group
- Fast Track Newsletter - May 2022 Indian Pacific Group
- Fast Track Newsletter - May 2022 The Ghan Group
- Freight Train Visibility Review Report
- SPAD Investigation Pro Forma
- LRTAE Investigation Pro Forma
- Fast Track July 2021 - Group 8
- FastTrack June 2021 - Group 2
- Fast Track May 2021 - Group 6
- Fast Track May 2021- Group 1
- Fast Track May 2021 - Group 4
- Train Whistles - Understanding The Risks And Opportunities To All Stakeholders
- Good Practice for the Management of Wheel Squeal
- Fast Track April 2021 – Group 3
- Fast Track May 2021 – Group 10
- Track Worker Safety Options
- Guidelines for managing mobile device use in the active driving cabs of rail vehicles
- SPAD Vulnerability Matrix
- SPAD Coding Decision Tree
- Australasian SPAD Classifications
- FastTrack April 2021 - Group Five
- Rail Industry Safety Strategy 2016-2020
- FastTrack April 2020
- FastTrack March 2020
- FastTrack March 2020 Edition 2
- FastTrack February 2020 Edition 2
- FastTrack February 2020
- FastTrack January 2020
- FastTrack December 2019
- FastTrack November 2019
- FastTrack September 2019
- FastTrack August 2019
- FastTrack July 2019
- Australian Rail Network Cyber Security Strategy
- FastTrack May 2019
- FastTrack March 2019
- FastTrack February 2019
- FastTrack December 2018
- FastTrack November 2018
- RISSB Bites – Communications
- RISSB Bites – Human Factors in Engineering Design
- RISSB Bites – Investigations
- RISSB Bites – Network and Train Readability
- RISSB Bites – Operational Readiness
- RISSB Bites – Road Rail Vehicles
- RISSB Bites – Safe Decisions
- RISSB Bites – SPAD Risk and Management
News Categories
Course Categories
- Cyber Security
- Environment
- FastTrack
- Human factors
- Interoperability
- Investigation
- Other
- Risk
- Safety
- Technology
- Type Approvals
- Horizons Fast Track
- Rail Cyber Security Advisory Group
- RISSB Bites
- Safety Managers Group